RUOK day is on September the 8th, so take a moment right now to STOP and REFLECT on how you’re feeling about YOU.
Experiencing highs and lows in life is common in small doses. Life can be a bit like riding a rollercoaster – ups and downs, smiles, and frowns. These ups and downs aren’t necessarily cause for alarm. But, if unpleasant feelings last for days and days on end with little break and if this stops you from doing the things you can usually do or want to do, get back in control and take action.
Are you feeling?
Well: This is when life is hunky-dory. You’re likely feeling positive, resilient, and charging through your days.
What to do when you’re feeling well: Quite simply, keep doing what you’re doing, maintain the rage. That said, regardless of how well you’re feeling, we encourage you to always prioritise self-care and social support – this will help to keep you on that well path.
Are you feeling?
Shaky: This is when life is throwing you a few curveballs. It might feel like you’re dodging and weaving a few of life’s hurdles. You’re likely experiencing a few challenges over several days, but you’re managing to get through your days okay.
What to do when you’re feeling shaky: It’s super important to really ramp up and prioritise self-care and social support. Take charge of your mental health so you can quickly return to a state of feeling well.
Are you feeling like you’re…?
Spiralling: Yeah, nah – things aren’t great! This is when things are getting on top of you, and you feel like you're starting to drown. Doing what you need to do is probably proving very challenging. Bouncing back is tough.
What to do when you’re spiralling: Prioritise self-care and social support, but please also consider professional support – Headspace or your trusted GP for a Mental Health Care Plan and a referral to a psychologist are a couple of good options.
Are you feeling?
Unwell: This is when you're in the hurt locker – “SCREW THIS” you might be cursing to yourself! Things have not been improving for several weeks now. Doing what you need to do is probably proving very challenging. Perhaps life’s challenges seem almost impossible to overcome despite some of your best efforts to feel better. We feel you!
What to do when you’re feeling unwell: Prioritise self-care and social support and reach out for professional support…please! Again, Headspace or your trusted GP for a Mental Health Care Plan and a referral to a psychologist are a couple of good options. If you are in crisis mode and need help right away, Lifeline (13 11 14) is a good option. Remember, It Ain’t Weak to Speak.

It's important to remember to check in with yourself and your mates regularly and take action when needed, every day not just today. Head to
LIVIN for more info.
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