Regardless of whether you’ve booked for Schoolies, you’re thinking about booking for Schoolies or you’re just about to book for Schoolies, it’s never too late to get organised! To make your life a little less stressful we thought we’d give you a little push in the right direction and provide a list of things to do well BEFORE you leave home to experience the best week of your life.
Pick your Schoolies buddies
Don’t fall into the trap of booking accommodation with THAT group of friends. You know who they are – that group or person that doesn’t necessarily bring out the best in you! It pays to be organised so trust your gut and always book a room with someone you know you will get along with and who will steer you away from trouble. One week is a long time when you’re spending every second together so make sure you and your roomie see eye to eye and agree on how Schoolies should be spent (soaking up the rays and partying SENSIBLY!).
Book in advance
We don’t want to sound like a broken record but we ask you to book in advance for a reason – SO YOU DON’T MISS OUT! The best accommodation almost always books out first and there is nothing worse than going to book your Schoolies at a later date and realising all the great places close to the beach have been taken! It can also sometimes mean being separated from your friends (who booked earlier and secured their accommodation ahead of you!). Do you really want to be stuck in a hotel which is a trek away from all the action with people you don’t really want to spend your whole Schoolies week with?! You can now
book your Schoolies accommodation for just $150, no more to pay until 60 days prior!
Secure your Schoolies Tour tickets
Schoolies recently launched Schoolies Tour, a seven day event powered by Ministry of Sound providing school leavers with an all-access pass to the hottest parties on the Gold Coast during Schoolies week as well as accesst to Schoolies Nation Beach Festival. This is the pass everyone needs if they are going to do Schoolies the right way. DJs playing during the week include Timmy Trumpet, SCNDL, Bombs Away, Savage, UberJakd, Brooke Evers, Odd Mob, KOMES, Jesabel and more!
Don’t leave things until the last minute and get conned into purchasing dodgy passes during Schoolies! Tickets are extremely limited due to the number of Schoolies vs the capacity of each venue so make sure you get in fast to avoid disappointment!
Plan your week
You know what they say – time flies when you’re having fun! Make sure you write a list of all of the clubs and festivals you want to attend over the course of the week and run it by your Schoolies buddies. This will ensure you’re all on the same page and you can make the most of your Schoolies week and celebrations! We suggest printing out the Schoolies Tour timetable (available when you purchase Schoolies Tour tickets at and highlighting all of the events and parties you want to attend.
Click Here to Get Booking